Oh, I tested it

I went ahead tonight and tested out the AoE skills from scout and skirmish on the test server tonight, and compared them to the live versions. I made a post about it on the officials that you can find here. I’ll include what I wrote below.

So, I decided to do research on the changes that are being implented for the class. All skirmish abilities were tested as a level 40, RR60; Ballistic Skill of 1065, ranged power of 146, crit of 42%, all points in skirmish tree completely filled out. All scout abilities were tested as a level 40, RR60; Ballistic Skill of 1105, ranged power of 146, crit of 17%. The same bow was used for all tests, 53.0 dps, and 2.7 speed, named Accursed Warbow of the Reaper. The target for all testing purposes was a siege pad. All test-server numbers will be in red, all live-game results will be in blue.The first will be normal, the second will be an average of three critical hits.

  • Barrage: 745/1119544/813
  • Lileath’s Arrow: 700/1013578/883
  • Spiral Fletch Arrow (with Split Arrows tactic): 493/759375/573
  • Flame Arrow: 1502/22841406/2077
  • Glass Arrow: 931/1392266/397

The biggest damage reduction, obviously is to Glass Arrow. Obviously, this is only against one target. The damage discrepency between old and new becomes  further exacerbated.

The following is the percentage reduction in power.

  • Barrage: 27.0% / 27.4%
  • Lileath’s Arrow: 17.4% / 12.8%
  • SFA: 24.0% / 24.5%
  • Flame Arrow: 6.4% / 9.1%
  • Glass Arrow: 71.5% / 71.5%

Are these the numbres you’re looking to have? Considering that the AoE damage coming from SW was never anything more than just suppression damage, I would say that it’s even less than that now. Also, maybe it’s just because of my stats, but it doesn’t look like SFA is being reduced by 30% like the tactic says (not that I mind). None of this takes into account the reduction in area, or the increased AP cost, this is a strict comparison of raw damage numbers.

I just realized, now that I think about it, the reason I didn’t see a straight 30% reduction with Sprial Fletched Arrow is because there is some mitigation due to the toughness that siege pads have. Sadly, I didn’t recrod the amount mitigated for each of the tests, so the percent damage reductions would actually have been greater for each skill.

About Shadow
Making serious business out of internet spaceships.

3 Responses to Oh, I tested it

  1. Snafzg says:

    Broad, sweeping changes. Laaaaaaaazy! 😛

    These folks either have no clue or no capacity to thoroughly test things.

  2. Xerb says:

    I will be shelving my SW. I might as well be playing a tank specced IB without the ability to take a hit. They’ve really screwed us.

  3. Grimnir says:

    You guys would have a lot more fun playing the SW a whole different way, I’m sure of it.

    Assault stance is your friend 🙂

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